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Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Adapt to Succeed in Hard Times - A Little Secret How

By Terry L. Brock

Ouch! Can you feel that pain? Yes, the economy is going through some challenges (that’s a nice euphemism for “It is really bad out there”). We read about it in the news and hear of difficult times ahead.

Is this a time for despair? I can understand why some would say it is. However, I think it is a great time for opportunities --- but only for those who can apply a critical principle that has worked for centuries. Keep reading and I’ll let you in on a secret of how to make it in times like these.

Every economic downturn has generated many astute, successful people. This week I interviewed Aldonna Ambler, a brilliant consultant based in New Jersey. Aldonna has helped many millionaires to burrow out of enormous problems. She has helped several Presidents (as in the Washington, DC, living in the White House kind). When she says something, I listen. She told me this week that she has always seen businesses who grow faster and do better in recessions. They take advantage of the times and leverage their abilities accordingly. Thank you, Aldonna!

Here’s something you can use: Follow the pain that your clients are experiencing. Become the solution for them.

Get your head out of your own problems and focus on their pain. Besides, you’ve probably spent way too much time complaining already about how bad you’ve got it. Get over it! Find out about the pain that others are going through and help them solve their pain.

Peter Drucker once said to someone who had been complaining about numerous problems, “Sure, you’ve got problem. So does the rest of the world. And what are you doing to help them? Once again, the Drucker man was profound.

Get out of your own problems and get focused on how to help others overcome their problems. When you do that you’ll benefit in two magnificent ways: 1) You’re likely to come up with some serious ways that will help your clients, customers and others. 2) You’ll also benefit in learning new skills to solve that type of problem (see, you’re already getting better!). Those customers you help will undoubtedly be grateful that you’ve assisted them. This won’t hurt in the long run when you’re looking for business! Even if someone you help is not grateful, you still gain. You learn new skills, new ways of doing things and expand your skill set. Even if some don’t appreciate your help, you gain new skills for others who will appreciate you. No matter what others do, you win!

Success in life comes as we do something that is counter-intuitive to our nature. It is natural to take care of yourself, think of yourself and focus on your needs. Little children only think of themselves and how they can get what they want. As they grow older, they learn they are not the center of the universe and have to get along with others.

In business we all want to have a bigger salary, a nice bonus, have a better position and all the accoutrements of success. This is good. The amazing thing is that the way to get what we want is to do the exact opposite of what comes naturally. It is natural to think of yourself. Hey, after all we all live in our own heads and see the world from our own perspective.

The delightful paradox of life is that we gain more by giving to others more. Zig Ziglar said, “You can get anything you want in life, if you help enough other people get what they want.” The Zig man was right on target with that!

So what does this mean for you and me in our own businesses right now? Remember we’re facing ominous economic times---at least this is what many pundits want us to believe. Hey, it ain’t all that bad (I know---bad English but really true). The world has seen lots of economic ups and downs. It will see many more after you and I are gone. The principles of life are what matter and last. Focus on those principles that don’t change in a world that is constantly changing, and you’ll have an anchor to get you through any storm.

One of those principles is that the more you can help others achieve the goals they want, the more you will get what you want. During slower economic times you have a chance to sow some seeds that you wouldn’t under busier, more harried times. You can explore new options and stretch your mental muscles developing new skills.

Throughout history, only those species survive which have been able to adapt to changing times. This Darwinian principle is alive today. Yes, the world is different today than it was a while back. But the principles remain the same. Lock into non-changing principles in a time of ever-increasing change.

Learn new skills that will benefit others. Study the pain they are going through and learn how to help them overcome their pain. Get your focus out of your own head! Focus on the problems of others and how to solve them.

This strategy will provide you with the mental state to achieve the goals you want. You’ll help others and they will be grateful.

Who knows? You could come out on the other side of this economic downturn much better off for the long term. One thing is for sure---the more you help others achieve their goals and overcome their own problems, the more you’ll be able to achieve your own goals and live a better life.

It’s at least worth a try!

Terry Brock is an international marketing coach and columnist who helps businesses market more effectively, leveraging technology. He shows busy professionals how to squeeze more out of their days using time-honored rules and practical technology tools. He can be reached at 407-363-0505, by e-mail at or through his website at

Copyright © 2008, Terry Brock, Achievement Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved Internationally. No portion may be reprinted or used without prior written permission.