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Monday, August 04, 2003

Pushing Through the Pain

By Terry L. Brock

“Look at a stone cutter hammering away at his rock, perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred and first blow it will split in two, and I know it was not the last blow that did it, but all that had gone before.” Jacob A. Riis, 1849-1914

This morning it was especially nice here in Orlando. I love these summer mornings when it is quiet and cool outside. I particularly like getting up early to get more done.

Today I was going through my morning routine of studying, meditation and exercise. When it came to my push-ups I was doing my normal set and then had the idea to push just a bit harder.

You’ve been there, I’m sure. You go through the normal stuff you have to do in life and you do OK. That’s about a B of B- performance level. You don’t get fired for it. You don’t make any more sales, but you do just enough to get by.

While I was doing my push-ups and nearing my mark that I aim for in each set, I had the idea to push just a bit harder and do 10 extra. You’ve heard all about that “No Pain, No Gain” that we see in the gym. Yet, this morning, I was thinking that this could be especially good to push a little farther.

And guess what happened? In a split second that voice came into my head (you’ve heard it before) that said, “Oh no. You can’t push any farther. If you do, you’ll be sore, you’ll fall down, you won’t make it, etc. etc.” You know the voice. It’s that one inside your head that stops you from getting what you really want.

It was Orison Swett Marden, the Founder of Success Magazine who lived from 1850-1924 who said, “Most of our obstacles would melt away if, instead of cowering before them, we should make up our minds to walk boldly through them.” Well, he was right.

So, as I was doing those push-ups, I told that negative voice to “Shut up.” I didn’t say it loudly because I was about out of breath! However, I said it where it matters most – in my mind. I was going to do those extra 10 push-ups no matter what.

My arms were hurting. My chest was hurting. Everything in me was screaming to stop and just quit, but my spirit inside said to keep going, no matter what. Well, you know what happened? I made it through the extra 10 push-ups and felt victorious!

When I finished the pain that I felt was not too bad. It only lasted for a couple of seconds and then went away. What didn’t go away was the thrill of knowing that I had pushed through the pain. I had done something that was good for me and very instructional.

Well, after I finished with my morning exercises I had some time of quiet thinking and reflection. I like to do this after working out just to relax, think about the day ahead and focus my thinking on what’s important for the upcoming day’s tasks and for life in general. I thought about that little exercise of doing the extra 10. Many things happen like that in life.

If we just push beyond the pain we can accomplish a great deal. Yes, the pain is there but as long as it is not an injury, where you seriously will need to stop and possibly get professional help, the little extra pain is actually good for you.

What about that sales call that you know you should make but just keep putting it off? You’ve let the imagined pain in your mind hold you back. Blast through it by getting the necessary information that is going to be different from what you’ve done in the past and highly valuable and useful (very important!) to your prospect. Rather than just calling to ask if they’re still thinking about it (yeah, right!), send them something that will be of value to them. Even if they don’t respond right away, you’re helping to move the sale along and helping yourself to be more creative. The skills you learn will be highly beneficial for the next prospect you encounter.

What about that challenge with a relationship you have? Push through the pain. Recognize that anything worthwhile in life is going to require effort and work. Stay with it and don’t give up too soon.

So, here’s my challenge to you: Find something in your life where you see yourself doing a B- or B performance and you know you could hit an A or A+ level. It might be in your physical workout. It might be in your number of sales calls. Whatever it is for you, find that important area where you can make a difference.

Then set that stretch goal. Find the goal that is “within sight but out of reach” as Denis Waitley talks about. Don’t try to do 100 extra push-ups. That would be too much. You’d probably not make it and be discouraged that you missed it. However, the 10 little extra push-ups from your normal set can empower you. Remember the pain is going to be there.

Expect it.

Welcome it.

Then use that pain as a learning tool and a personal empowerment tool to reach a greater goal that is meaningful and worthwhile for you.

By being what I call “smart persistent” you achieve new goals. Even better, you push yourself to a higher level to bring out the best you can be. Smart persistent means you adjust and correct with feedback. You use your head and get help when needed. You achieve the goals that are best for you.

Thomas Fuller said in the 1600’s, “An invincible determination can accomplish almost anything and in this lies the great distinction between great men and little men.” Today, we know this principle applies equally to men and women, boys and girls. Develop your own invincible determination to accomplish your worthwhile goals.

Find one area in your life today where you can push through. You’ll be amazed at what can happen as you’re “smart persistent.’

Terry Brock is an internationally recognized professional speaker, consultant and author in the fields of business productivity, technology and marketing. He is a syndicated
columnist for Biz Journals across America and can be reached at 407-363-0505 , by e-mail at or through his website at

Copyright © 2003, Terry Brock, All Rights Reserved Internationally. No portion may be reprinted or used in any way without prior written permission. Permission granted to Biz Journals to use in regular publication.